Swimming Pool

Water Level
Cracks / Leaks
Timer / Power Pwitch
Salt System
Pinch-a-Penny Pool Supply



Leaves accumulate in the Strainer. Please check the strainer daily. Empty the leaves into a bucket and place the bucket on the curb Tuesday night for pickup Wednesday morning by the Yard Debris Pickup crew.

Water Level


During the warm seasons the swimming pool will lose up to an inch of water a day due to evaporation. Water level must be monitored and replenished manually. A spigot and hose is located under the outdoor shower and can be left on a trickle to compensate for the continuous loss of water.

Leaks / Step Cracks


The second step into the swimming pool has two cracks. Waterproof putty is used to seal the leak / crack. This putty will eventually lose it's ability to seal the leak because it hardens and must be reapplied.

To seal the leak:

1. Scrape off the old putty on the step.
2. Mix equal parts of Blue and White into one "gumball".
3. Spread the "gumball" over the crack/leak in the water on the step to seal the leak.

Pool Supply: Pinch-a-Penny

Timer / Power Pwitch


The timer is set to run for at least 8 hours a day. In the event of a prolonged electrical power outage, the timer may need to be adjusted. All you have to do is gently pull the dial away from the housing about 1/4" of an inch and rotate the dial. The On and Off pins screwed onto the dial can be adjusted as well. It's important to make sure the door is closed on the Timer after making any adjustments.

picture 1 - Timer Dial - On and Off Pins - Manual On/Off Switch (Red)

picture 2 - Timer Housing

Salt System


The pool has salt water. It's great for your skin and doesn't turn your eyes as red. It has a a system that creates chlorine by using salt. The pool guy will deal with addind salt to the pool and making adjustments to the system.

picture 1 - Salt System Housing

picture 2 - Salt Converter

picture 3 - Control Panel

picture 4 - System Vendor